Revenue of the Mind

Revenue of the Mind


Material and Harware that's used to display the message you would like others to hear.

The Versitile Napsack

The Versitile Napsack

Utilities to use

Hardware such as Laptops, tablets, phones, camcorders and music hardware are main hardware ingredients that helps in the Revenue of the mind and putting a message out there.

Tools that combines to give the greatest utilization of output by the way you present. How do you want to be viewed?

To see, and to see further using utilities

To see, and to see further using utilities

Passion that leads

Driven by what was learned and heard, I have built a path with a unique mixture of Hope's, dreams that equals reality.

Thrive is a keyword that motivates me daily to produce and be as I need to become.

My Thought Process

Money makes money and with this being said, I have started gathering what I think would be an asset to achieving the greatest my mind has to offer.

We can only fail ourselves and the debt of revenue rendered can be one a great return of you strive to achieve all task daily and with great involvement.

I created revenue by holding four income sources while studying a discipline. Time management has not been easy but there is a greater expectation. 

Utilities broaden mind stimulation 

Devices that are retrieved should always meet its purpose. When you let a device sit, you allow the mind to have a thought process slip. 20 minutes a day on a venture you had can be productive.

When we don't make the time forgotten, moments can never be recaptured.

Check out these podcast, one to four goes up a week, it's a journey through a journal thought process with real life applications.

The music is what grooves an understanding, so check out the beats I have and the lyrics will be coming soon.

Photo by
Tyrone Chisholm, Jr.
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